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FOSS Holiday Cards

We'd like to make your holiday shopping and card selection easier!

You can honor friends, family, associates and help the pets at The Friends of Stokes Shelter Adoption Center at the same time. Just order "honor" holiday cards from us!

The cards have the design shown and for a minimum tax-deductible donation of $5 per card you can receive cards and envelopes to mail to the people you'd like to honor.

The inscription on the inside is: "A gift has been made in your honor to The Friends of Stokes Shelter (FOSS) by (your name__. This gifts will help provide a better future for the homeless pets of Stokes County in this season of sharing."

Tell us how you'd like to receive your cards. Choices are:

Pick up your cards at FOSS 1111 Dodgetown Rd., Walnut Cove, NC 27052 Or, we will mail them to you. Give us your complete mailing address.

So, easy steps: 1. Tell us how many cards you'd like to receive, 2. give us your complete address, 3. send us a check at the FOSS address above for the total, or pay with your credit card.

Step 1
Choose a Donation Option

Christmas Card

In honor Christmas Cards
Minimum is $1.00
Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Step 2
Contact Information
* Required
Step 3
Payment Information — Donating $0.31
Card number is valid
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